Mapped Properties Hide Filters Any Property Status For Lease For Rent For Sale Minimum Price $30,000 $50,000 $80,000 $100,000 $125,000 $150,000 $175,000 $200,000 $225,000 $250,000 $275,000 $300,000 $350,000 $400,000 $450,000 $500,000 $600,000 $700,000 $800,000 $900,000 $1,000,000 $1,250,000 $1,500,000 Maximum Price $30,000 $50,000 $80,000 $100,000 $125,000 $150,000 $175,000 $200,000 $225,000 $250,000 $275,000 $300,000 $350,000 $400,000 $450,000 $500,000 $600,000 $700,000 $800,000 $900,000 $1,000,000 $1,250,000 $1,500,000 $2,000,000 $3,000,000 $4,000,000 $5,000,000 $6,000,000 $7,000,000 $8,000,000 $9,000,000 $10,000,000 Minimum Bedrooms 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Maximum Bedrooms 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Minimum Bathrooms 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Maximum Bathrooms 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Any Property Type Commercial Residential Agriculture Business Hospitality Industrial Institutional - Special Purpos Multi-family Office Other Parking Recreational Retail Single Family Vacant Land Any Structure Type Condominium Apartment Commercial Mix Duplex Flex Facility Fourplex House Mobile Home Modular Multi-family Multi-tenant Industrial No Building Offices Other Parking Recreational Residential Commercial Mix Retail Row / Townhouse Special Purpose Triplex Unknown Warehouse Near Any Lake / River 1 Lot Is On Lake Huron 12 Mile 16 Mile 16 Mile Creek / Lake Ontario 16 Mile Creek/lake Ontario Ackert Drain Ada Adolphus Ahmic Also Known As Arthur's Lake On Maps Angus Anjigami Lake Anstruther Apsey Lake Armstrong Lake Atherley Narrows Bain Lake Balsam Balsam Lake Baptiste Bark Barkway Lake Barrow Bay Bass Bass Lake Bay Of Quinte Beaver Bell Bella Lake Belwood Bernard Between Toad And Kawigamog Big Bald Big Cedar Big Head Big Pine Lake Big Rideau Lake Big Tub Harbour Bird Black Black Lake Blackfish Bay Blind River Boat Channel Bob Bonnechere River Boshkung Boyne Brady Brewsters Bright Lake Brooks Buckhorn Burnt Calabogie Lake Cameron Canal Cassels Castor River Catchacoma Chandos Chemong Chesley Lake Chippewa River Clear Clearwater Clearwater Lake Coldwater Commanda Commanda Lake Concord Pond Conestogo Consecon Constance Creek Constance Lake Cooks Couchiching Courchesne's Lake Crane Credit Credit River Crego Lake Cressview Lakes Crowe Crystal Dalrymple Lake Dalrymple-south Dean Lake Deeded Access To Lake Nipissing Deer Denvic Lake Diamond Drag Duffins Creek (urfe Creek) Eagle East East Lake East Neebish Channel Eels Emily Creek Erie Eugenia Fairy Fifth Depot Lake Four Mile Fredric Inlet French French River French River - Eighteen Mile Bay French River, Wolseley Bay Friday Harbour Geneva Lake Georgian Georgian Bay Gloucester Pool Go Home Gordon Lake Goulais Bay/lake Superior Gowan Lake Grand Green Green Lake Green River Gull Haliburton Hannah Lake Hay Head Head River Healey Hogg Holland Horn Hough Lake Huron Ice Lake Indian Irondale Joe Lake Joseph Kahshe Kashagawigamog Kasshabog Kempenfelt Kempenfelt Bay Kemptville Creek Kennebec Kennisis Kinniwabi River Kushog La Cloche River Lake Biscotasing Lake Clear Lake Couchiching Lake Duborne Lake Erie Lake Fortescue Lake George Lake Huron Lake Huron - North Channel Lake Huron South Bay Lake Kagawong - Prior's Bay Lake Lauzon Lake Manitou Lake Mindemoya Lake Muskoka Lake Nepahain Lake Nepahwin Lake Nepewassi Lake Nipissing Lake Of Bays Lake Ontario Lake Panache Lake Panache / Lake Penage Lake Simcoe Lake St. John Lake Superior Lake Vernon Lake Wanapitae Lake Wanapitei Lakeland Estate Community Lakeview Creek Large Koshkawong River Frontage Lime Lake Little Little Bald Little Basswood Lake Little Bob Little Lake Huron Little Mississippi Little White River Little-barrie Lohi Lake Long Lake Longs Lake Loon Loon Lake Lorimer Lovers Creek Lower Beverley Lower Buckhorn Lower Island Lake Lower Rideau Lake Maclean Lake Mad Madawaska Madawaska River Magpie River Manitouwaba Manitouwabing Manitowaning Bay Manitowaning Bay, Lake Huron Maple Marl Marsh Martindale Pond Mary Maskinage River Maskinonge River Matchedash Mccullough Mccullough Lake Meldrum Bay - Lake Huron Michipicoten River Mill Mink Miskwaazibii Mississagi River Mississaugi River Mississippi Mitchell Moira Moon Morrison Mountain Muldrew Lake Mulligan's Bay Muskoka Muskoka River Muskrat Lake Musselmans N/a Nameless Lake Napanee River Nation Nearing Little Islands And Pine River Nepahwin Nepahwin Lake Net Lake Niagara Niagara River Nipissing Nith River North Channel North Channel Lake Huron North Channel, Lake Huron North Channel/bay Of Islands Nottawasaga Nottawasaga River Oak Ontario Orr Orr Lake Otonabee Otonabee River Ottawa River Otter Oxtongue Paint Paint Lake Panache Lake Papineau Paudash Pefferlaw Penetang Harbour Peninsula Peninsula Lake Perch Lake Percy Perry Lake Pickerel Picton Pigeon Pike River Near Sturgeon River Pimisi Bay Pine Pine Lake Pond Prince Lake Private Lake Rabbit Lake Ramsey Ramsey Lake Ranger Lake Red Deer Lake Redstone Rice Rice Lake Richard Lake Riddell Rideau Canal Rideau River Rideau River Main Channel Rideau River, Main Channel Riley Riparian Rights To Use Waterfront On Gawas Bay River Road Robinson Rosseau Rouge Round Salmon Salmon Bay, North Channel Sandy Saugeen Scugog Sesekinika Lake Severn Shadow Shawanaga Bay Shawanaga Inlet Shebeshong Sherwood River Silver Silver Creek Simcoe Simon Lake Six Mile Skill Lake Skootamatta Smith's Snake Snake Creek Snake Island Lake South Bay Spanish River Sparrow Sparrow Lake St Charles Lake St George St John St Lawrence St Mary's River St Nora St. John Lake St. Lawrence River St. Mary's River St. Mary's River North Channel/lake George St.mary's River Steenburg Stewart Stimears Stoco Stoney Stoney Lake Sturgeon Sturgeon Lake Styx River Sydenham Talbot Talbot River Tay River Thames River Thanet The Narrows Thessalon River Top Lake Trent Trent Canal Trent River Trent Severn Waterway Trent-severn Trout Turtle Lagoon Twelve Mile Upper Buckhorn Vanluven Vermillion River Vernon Veuve River Victoria Vigrass Lake Wabagishik Wabagishk Lake Wadsworth Wahnapitae Wahnapitae Lake Wahnapitae River Wahwashkesh Wanapitae Wanapitei Wanapitei Lake Wanapitei River Wasaga Welland Canal Weller's Bay Weslemkoon West West Bay Of The North Channel West Lake West Little Lake Whitefish Whitefish Falls Whitestone Whitestone Lake Whitewater Whitewater Lake Whitson Lake Wilson Windy Lake Wollaston Wood Wye York Young LakeFind Properties Near YouOnly show waterfront properties Loading...